Best Practices
Generations Forestry continues to drive innovation in timber management
The Generations team understands that the living, breathing forest constantly changes and is affected by past management practices as well as current land use, pests, diseases, weather, invasive species and other factors. We are proactive and innovative in developing timber management practices to address the changing forest.
■ We have been proactive in coordinating wide area aerial spraying for gypsy moth, forest tent caterpillar, elm span worm, and other insects. In 1994 there was an elm span worm / gypsy moth infestation, and we coordinated a 100,000-acre spraying program for private and municipal forest land. In 2010 we coordinated a 60,000-acre spray program for the forest tent caterpillar and an additional 10,000-acre spray program in 2013. Smaller programs were coordinated as needed in other years.
■ Over browsing by deer reduces vegetation diversity. Exclusion fencing keeps deer out for a period, increasing vegetation diversity, and ultimately providing a deer food source resulting in more vegetation diversity in the surrounding forest.
■ Herbicide spraying is used to control undesired vegetation in the lower forest canopy and forest floor (for instance, birch, striped maple, and fern) to promote establishment of desired forest vegetation. These practices have been available for decades; however, the creative implementation of these practices have broadened silvicultural opportunities for sustainable management.

Generations Forestry has developed, and continues to develop,
innovative forestry practices that go on to become the industry standard.

■ Anticipating the migration of the emerald ash borer, pre-salvage harvesting began in 2010 in northern Pennsylvania along transportation corridors and continues today as the insect spreads.
■ Onsite chipping operations are beneficial where past harvesting practices, insect infestation, or storm events have created a partial light condition in the lower forest canopy, enhancing growth of lower value species. Chipping is used to remove the lower canopy leaving a residual forest of more desirable species and light to the forest floor propagating seeds of the remaining trees.
■ Contract logging operations are implemented when the landowner desires to maintain more control of the project and assume marketing opportunities of the products harvested.
■ Integrated pest management is a combination of natural (for instance timed cuttings), biological (natural predation and natural agents) and chemical treatments for pest infestation.
■ Preparation of property for a timber sale includes investing in getting the property ready. For example, roads, bridges, and access permits can be built or acquired. This simplifies the sale process and increases the value to the buyer. Our resources allow us to do this effectively and to with a long-term perspective that benefits the landowner.
“Ken Kane and his team are some of the most knowledgeable and dedicated professionals I’ve ever worked with. You can tell they sincerely love what they do and are genuinely committed to their customers’ short-term goals and long-term sustainability.”
– Tim Blazejewski
Call Generations Forestry today to discuss your goals
Call 814-837-9391